Kindergarten & Primary school

The school has one class per level from kindergarten to last year of primary school. The kindergarten classes are designed to encourage free activities and games, artistic activities, manipulation and motor skills, autonomy and socialisation of the child.

Suitable support in kindergarten

Each teacher is accompanied by an assistant to give the child all the attention necessary for their development.

The school gives priority to welcoming the children as well as the parents in order to facilitate the moment of separation in good conditions of trust.

enfant avec une plante

Our Goals

Tout au long de l’école primaire, l’équipe pédagogique se donne pour objectif de :

  • develop self-confidence
  • motivation
  • curiosity
  • self-control

dans le respect de la personnalité de l’enfant.


Les cours ont lieu du Lundi au vendredi de 8:30 to 12:30 and from 14:00 to 16:00..

Students are libres les mercredis après-midi and Friday afternoons..

There are no classes on Saturdays..


Managed headcount

The number of students is kept to a minimum in order to create a good work dynamic and to ensure that the students benefit from a rigorous and attentive follow-up.


Childcare is available from 7.30am to 8.30am and from 4pm to 6.15pm..


ESMT - bibliothèque

Visits to the library

Visits to the library are a real pleasure for children of all ages. They enjoy coming every week with their teachers to choose books and read in a special corner. Each year, plus de 2’000 livres are borrowed by the primary school children. 

Les projets communs

Chaque année, des activités et évènements sont organisées pour rassembler les enfants de plusieurs classes autour d’un même thème pédagogique. Les plus grands ont ainsi l’occasion d’aider les plus petits lors d’après-midi de jeux, d’ateliers de travaux manuels, de sorties et de rencontres.

Kindergarten & Primary School Rates

Conditions et modalités financières 2025-2026