The Story

Maurice Tieche, the man

Maurice Tièche was born in 1895. His academic career took him from the Sorbonne to the Institute of Educational Sciences in Geneva, and from there to Collonges-sous-Salève where he became professor of literature and philosophy at the Adventist Seminary of Salève from 1931 to 1949. He taught literature, psychology and philosophy. At the same time he pursued research with Piaget and Brantmey at the Institute of Educational Sciences in Geneva.

Passionate about education, he could not help but notice that this Seminar, where he teaches, is cruelly lacking in a structure that allows for quality education for children starting at a very young age. A structure in which particular care would be taken, certainly in the transmission of knowledge and know-how, but also of interpersonal skills.

His project came to fruition in 1936 with the opening of a primary school that welcomed some fifteen students in the autumn of 1936.

He passed away in 1959, while in the meantime his project had developed into a secondary school and a high school which, since 1953, has been preparing students for the baccalauréat.

His holistic vision of the child and adolescent is still present today. An approach that does not only concern itself with the intellectual development of the students but also with their physical, social and spiritual development.


1936 Maurice Tièche founded a primary school in Collonges-sous-Salève

The quality of the education and teaching provided encourages families from the region, from various origins, to enrol their children there.

1946 Opening of the First year of Secondary school class.

then of the rest of the classes of the Secondary school in 1948 which receives its legal existence and becomes the Complementary Course of the Adventist Seminary.

1953 The Complementary Course becomes the Secondary Course

and has more than a hundred students. It prepares the literary baccalaureate from 1952 and the scientific baccalaureate from 1965.

1973 The Secondary School adopts the name of Cours Privé Maurice Tièche

then, a few years later, the Lycée Privé Maurice-Tièche.

2003 Primary and secondary units merge

into a single school complex which today is called the Maurice-Tièche School Ensemble.

2013-2014 Four classes of primary school

passent sous contrat simple avec l’Education Nationale.

2015-2017 The first and second Secondary school. classes.

passent sous contrat d’association avec l’Education Nationale.

2017-2018 The Secondary school goes under contract

due to the contracting of the 3rd and 4th. Secondary school classes...

2020 Cambridge English

L’école offre l’opportunité aux élèves du Collège et du Lycée la Certification Cambridge en niveau A1, A2 et B1. 

2023 Ouverture d'une deuxième classe de 6ème

afin de répondre aux demandes croissantes d’inscription.


Primary, Secondary and High School Maurice-Tièche are private establishments run by an association under the 1901 law.