Music and awakening to music

Music has a special place in our school. Music lessons are an opportunity for students to experience lessons and activities related to music. It is a time during which the students can manipulate, discover, produce, sing and dance. It is also an opportunity for them to produce a show for the end of the year.


Primary :

The children have the opportunity to sing daily with their teachers. In addition, a music teacher teaches all the primary classes and prepares a show with the teaching staff and the students that delights the hearts of all the parents.

Secondary school :

La musique fait partie des programmes de l’Education Nationale et, avec notre professeur, nous faisons en sorte que cela ne se « limite » pas à un cours culturel. C’est bien d’un éveil et d’un développement artistiques dont il s’agit. Il permet aussi aux élèves, au moins une fois tous les deux ans, de proposer un spectacle.